Wanderful: For Women in Travel, a Global Community & Thriving Sisterhood

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A community for women in travel — both as industry professionals and as travel lovers — offers a space for connection, inspiration, and empowerment.

That’s why I joined Wanderful so long ago.

As a woman who travels solo frequently and a woman travel creator and professional, this network just makes sense.

If you’re a woman who loves to travel, I encourage you to join the community. You’ll surely find common ground and encouragement in this global community!

Interested already? Check out the membership options!

What is Wanderful?

Wanderful is a women’s travel community with a global reach. There are currently about 50 chapters in cities around the world.

That includes the Wanderful Edinburgh Chapter that I started this year! (Bad timing to start an in-person meetup group, but what can you do?)

Through a members-only online network, we can chat daily about all things travel.

This could be seeking advice and tips for traveling in a certain location, or arranging meetups with members in those destinations.

Wanderful author Amanda Walkins

We also share book and film recommendations, recipes, and more — all geared toward globally-minded women.

For content creators, Wanderful offers ample opportunity to network, collaborate, learn, and share.

There are monthly free office hours with coaches who specialize in a variety of topics.

You can share your own content with a warm audience of travel-loving women throughout the membership community.

Creators also get access to mastermind groups, webinars, tea time chats with experts and industry leaders, and much more.

If you’re a blogger, vlogger, or influencer in the travel space, I know you’ll find value in this community!

Wanderful Membership Benefits

Having a full community of women travelers at your fingertips is, genuinely, enough of a benefit to warrant joining Wanderful.

But the true essence of this community came out as countries locked down and borders shut.

Proud Member of Wanderful badge

In spite of the chaos and confusion, in the face of the travel industry’s demise, Wanderful stepped up and shifted the community to one of the strongest virtual networks I’ve seen.

And I’m a member of plenty of networks!

But the speed with which the Wanderful team started daily online events was astounding.

(Full disclosure: I am the Managing Editor of the Wanderful blog, but had very little to do with the membership and events components.)

Let me reiterate: DAILY virtual events.

There was at least one webinar, conversation, Q&A, learning session, or hangout happening every single day through the whole summer.

Where else can you not only chat with other members of a common group online, but also actually virtually meet up whenever you want?

While many communities offer monthly events or even upped their game to weekly online events during this chaotic time, Wanderful brings together women from around the world every single day to meet, chat, share, learn, and truly connect over a love of travel.

It’s nothing short of magical.

Virtual Events with Wanderful

Wanderful’s programming covers a wide variety of topics. Since there are two membership types (Traveler and Creator), there are events catered to each audience.

Traveler events include things like:

  • Conversation Circles: German, Spanish, French, Arabic, and more
  • Dance lessons: Irish, Scottish, Salsa, Tango, and more
  • Cooking classes: Portuguese Caldo, Italian Gnocchi, English Victoria Sponge…the list goes on (and includes cocktails!)
  • Virtual tours and visits: From vineyard tours with wine tasting sessions to backyard neighborhood tours to explore places around the world…from the couch
  • Book clubs
  • Trivia nights
  • Happy Hours
  • …and lots more!

Creator events are designed for content creators in the travel space to learn new skills, improve toward best practices, collaborate with each other and network with other creators and brands.

Events for creators include:

  • Office Hours with any of the Wanderful Coaches
  • Monthly Mastermind Circles (I lead the blogging mastermind sessions!)
  • Webinars on topics like blogging, SEO, brand collaborations, media kit creation, content strategy, video editing, podcast creation, community growth, and so much more.
  • …and much more!
Wanderful Office Hours with Amanda Walkins

A Community for Women in Travel

Wanderful is the community that has helped me through this wild year so far.

I have been a member for quite a while and I work with the team and volunteer at the WITS Travel Creator + Brand conferences.

But these past few months have highlighted just how heavily I needed to lean on this sisterhood.

This year has proven to me how significant these relationships are with the women who understand me and who encourage me to keep challenging myself in different places with different experiences.

Finding your community is like taking that first full gulp of air after surfacing from a deep dive.

It’s exhilarating, empowering, life-sustaining.

If you’re still seeking your community of women who travel, I encourage you to check out Wanderful.

Amanda Walkins speaking on stage in front of a WITS travel conference banner

I, for one, would be more than happy to welcome more faces from disparate places with unique stories to share.

Come share your story with a sisterhood who loves to listen.

Learn more about Wanderful membership and join the community

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