Tag Archives: Edinburgh expat

How Can a US Citizen Get UK Residency Through Marriage

Edinburgh wedding

Moving to new countries comes with a whole range of logistics to figure out and to check off a list. But by far the most important part of becoming an expat is the legal requirements involved. These are the details I can offer for how this US citizen got UK residency through marriage to an […]

International Charity Day for Expats

Edinburgh centre skyline from Calton Hill

Today is International Charity Day, as established by the United Nations in 2013 in honor of Mother Teresa. I’ve already discussed how expats tend to get involved in their local communities around the world, but perhaps it’s time to revisit the topic. Charity is important everywhere, but getting involved has several specific benefits for expats […]

New Expat Home in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Castle from Princes Street

We’ve been living in Scotland since last October, but we’ve finally made the move into Edinburgh! Our new flat (see how Scottish I am now?) offers me the chance to more easily explore my new expat home. From here, I can wander this gorgeous city by foot or public transport, and I can easily head […]

US Citizen Married in Scotland

Carolyn Henry Photography Edinburgh Scotland wedding family photography

Having just gone through this process myself, I thought it only appropriate I pass along my newfound knowledge as a US citizen married in Scotland. I was married in Scotland and the rules do differ slightly for the rest of the UK. However, this is at least the basic outline of steps you could expect everywhere. […]

I Speak American, You Speak Scottish

The brightly painted Ross Fountain below Edinburgh Castle

Oh, you thought moving from the U.S. to Scotland meant you didn’t have to worry about learning a new language? That’s cute. Because the truth is, you speak American, just like me. American is not English, and neither is Scottish. Having visited Scotland twice before moving here, of course I realized there were certain little […]

Edinburgh 101: Learning my new city

Edinburgh Castle from Princes Street

Having already visited Scotland twice in as many years, I’ve spent enough time in Edinburgh to have a vague map of the city in mind. I knew that old town and new town combined into a still fairly small city – the mostly residential areas notwithstanding. I also knew how to get into and around […]