Tag Archives: Expat Life in Malta

Daily Life as an Expat in Malta: Chores and Errands

Sunset over St Pauls Bay and Bugibba Malta

Chores and errands…definitely not an exciting topic of conversation! But, then again, life is life everywhere, right? So whether you’re an expat in an exotic locale or you’ve never left your hometown, you’ll be doing chores and errands no matter what. Here’s what that looks like for an expat in Malta. Expat Life in Malta […]

A Quick Rundown of Life in Malta

Valletta Malta city view

We’ve been busy!! In the best sort of way, though. Since I simply don’t have the time right now to offer lots of in-depth insights into where we’ve been and what we’ve done (not to say I won’t find the time eventually!), here’s a quick rundown of life in Malta lately. A Weekend Away in […]

Daily Life as an Expat in Malta: Walking Around Qawra

Walking around Qawra from Bugibba in Malta

The area of Malta that we live in is called St. Paul’s Bay. It’s in the northern part of the island of Malta and is a more recently developed area, being primarily built up in the 1960s and later. Part of this area is called Bugibba, which is the area we live in specifically. Alongside […]

Daily Life as an Expat in Malta: Making New Friends

Valletta Malta city view

An important aspect of becoming an expat is the ability – and desire – to reach out and try to make new friends. A great way to do that is the wonderful world of the Internet! This past weekend was filled with making new friends and connecting with old ones, highlighting just how small this […]

Daily Life as an Expat in Malta: World Oceans Day

view from Bugibba Square Malta

I used to write posts about daily life as an expat in Roatan and those continue to be some of my most popular here on the blog. Since, apparently, you guys like to peek inside at the mundane bits of expat life, let’s get this series started again! This time, I’ll let you know all about […]

Volunteer for a Coastal Cleanup in Malta

Recently, I joined a diverse group of people coming together for a common cause: I was a volunteer for a coastal cleanup in Malta. A coastal cleanup is a fantastic activity to do wherever you are in the world. There were many in Roatan, but I was never able to take part because of work […]

First Impressions of Malta

Amanda Walkins expat in Malta

We’ve been expats several times before, both in each other’s countries and beyond. We’ve traveled extensively between our single lives and now together. So I feel like we have a fairly decent base by which we can compare our lives as new expats in Malta with other potential expat homes. Our first impressions of Malta […]