Tag Archives: freelance writer

Women in Travel Summit (WITS) Travel Conference

Women in Travel Summit WITS logo

I recently spent a week in Portland, Maine, at the Women in Travel Summit (WITS) travel conference. To say I felt right at home would be a complete understatement! Joining together with several hundred fellow travel addicts for multiple days of inclusive seminars was a breath of fresh air I didn’t even realize I needed. […]

A Quick Rundown of Life in Malta

Valletta Malta city view

We’ve been busy!! In the best sort of way, though. Since I simply don’t have the time right now to offer lots of in-depth insights into where we’ve been and what we’ve done (not to say I won’t find the time eventually!), here’s a quick rundown of life in Malta lately. A Weekend Away in […]

Island Life is for the Directionally-Challenged

I posted this piece on Women Who Live on Rocks last year, and it recently popped up again to make me smile. Island life is full of quirks, giving road directions is merely one tiny example of the fun you can have trying to make sense of living on a small rock in the sea.

Freelance Writing from Paradise

In an effort to offer some inspiration to other aspiring freelance writers out there, I wanted to share an update on my writing career since announcing that I’d left a salaried job and gone full-time as a freelancer.

How to Move to Roatan: Minimizing and Getting Rid of All the Stuff

In case you missed the other parts in this series on How to Move to Roatan, here’s Finding Housing, Working Abroad, Families With Children, and Safety Concerns. People contact me all the time asking for advice on how to minimize their “stuff.” When considering an international move, understanding what is important and what is simply […]